105 research outputs found

    Product and Process Innovations in Subcontracting: Empirical Evidence from the French "Sillon Alpin"

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the role that subcontracting relationships (collaborative outsourcing vs. traditional subcontracting) can have on a subcontractor's ability to innovate in process and product. In order to measure the "full" impact of subcontracting relationships on innovation, we take into account the possible interaction between process and product innovations. The empirical test is based on 93 small ïŹrms operating in "pure subcontracting industries". Using a bivariate probit model, we give evidence that process and product innovations are not independent choices. The test conïŹrms the positive impact of collaborative outsourcing agreement on the subcontractor's probability to innovate whatever the type of innovation. Finally, the results show that process and product innovations are reinforced by different inter-organizational practices and tools as well as distinct absorptive capabilities. This suggests important implications for subcontractors' competitive position

    Knowledge governance within clusters: the case of small firms

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    International audienceDespite the vast literature on knowledge management, little research has addressed the specificities of knowledge integration at the cluster level. Moreover, the literature on clusters has not focused on the role that governance may play in knowledge management. Anchored in a knowledge-based perspective, this paper aims at bridging the two fields, filling the gap by analysing the role of cluster governance in knowledge management. An empirical study of two small French firm clusters was carried out based on 29 interviews. The data analysis consisted essentially in content analysis. The clusters studied were characterized by distinct knowledge management processes. In both cases, governance was necessary in order to support knowledge integration by member firms. Our results suggest that establishing an initial common knowledge base seems to be a prerequisite in order for the external knowledge identification and acquisition processes to take place. The activist role played by governance also seems more efficient than that of a broker. We discuss these results and their implications for policy-makers and cluster members

    Profils des entreprises en matiĂšre de RSE et innovation technologique

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    International audienceCet article explore la nature de la relation entre la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) et l'innovation technologique, avec pour objectif d'identifier les éventuelles spécificités des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME). En dépit de son importance, cette relation reste peu étudiée et les travaux actuels ne permettent pas de différencier les entreprises au regard de la variété des pratiques de RSE mises en oeuvre. Afin de contribuer à combler ce vide, nous élaborons un cadre théorique dérivé de la littérature en management stratégique qui distingue deux profils d'adoption des entreprises en matiÚre de RSE. Nous illustrons notre cadre conceptuel par une recherche qualitative auprÚs de sept PME et filiales de grandes entreprises en RhÎne-Alpes. Les résultats montrent que l'innovation technologique des entreprises dépend moins de la taille que de leur comportement stratégique ou réactif en matiÚre de RSE

    Exploring the relationship between CSR and innovation: A comparison between small and largesized French companies

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    International audienceThis paper explores the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and innovation and seeks to identify potential specificities related to small-sized companies. We analyze the complementarities between stakeholder and social capital theories on the one hand, and strategic management and evolutionary theories on the other hand, in order to determine whether and how CSR practices can lead to technological innovation. Seven French case studies show that, contrary to theoretical predictions, large companies are not the only ones that can create value through innovation driven by strategic (and formal) CSR. Indeed, small companies can also introduce radical innovation based on their CSR involvement

    Adoption des tic, proximité et diffusion localisée des connaissances

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    International audienceWe use a specially designed survey on French firms to provide empirical evidence suggesting that IT adoption is not only influenced by the traditional factors of technology diffusion (rank, stock-order, epidemic effects and organizational practices) but also by localized knowledge spillovers. We make several advances. Firstly, we study the adoption of authentic Information and Communication Technologies while the recent empirical literature has been mainly focused on computer capital stocksor automation tools. Secondly, we construct measures to replace the traditional epidemic effect by different proximity variables. Thirdly, we examine different channels of knowledge transmission among nearby firms, from unintended knowledge spillovers to well-regulated arrangements. Our econometric methodology is designed to deal with potential biases that are encountered when implementing technology adoption equations. In particular, we explicitly deal with the problem ofsimultaneous technological choices, using bivariate adoption equations.Une enquĂȘte sur les entreprises de Haute-Savoie montre que l’adoption des TIC est influencĂ©e non seulement par les facteurs traditionnels de la diffusion technologique (effets rang, stock-ordre et Ă©pidĂ©mique, pratiques organisationnelles), mais aussi par des effets de diffusion localisĂ©e des connaissances. Les donnĂ©es permettent plusieurs avancĂ©es. Tout d’abord, nous Ă©tudions l’adoption de vĂ©ritables TIC alors que la plupart des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont privilĂ©giĂ© des mesures du stock de capital informatique ou de l’automatisation des tĂąches. Ensuite, nous construisons des variables qui permettent de remplacer le traditionnel effet Ă©pidĂ©mique par diffĂ©rents effets de proximitĂ©. Pour finir, nous examinons diffĂ©rents canaux de transmission de la connaissance entre firmes gĂ©ographiquement proches, depuis le simple spillover non-intentionnel jusqu’à des interactions plus maĂźtrisĂ©es. Notre mĂ©thodologie empirique traite les biais habituellement rencontrĂ©s dans les Ă©quations d’adoption technologique ainsi que dans les tests de la complĂ©mentaritĂ© organisationnelle

    Le rĂŽle de la gouvernance des clusters dans les capacitĂ©s dynamiques d’absorption des PME

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    International audienceCette recherche a pour objectif d’explorer de quelle maniĂšre la structure de gouvernance d’un cluster peut augmenter les capacitĂ©s dynamiques d’absorption des PME membres. Depuis la crĂ©ation des pĂŽles de compĂ©titivitĂ© en France en 2005, une littĂ©rature de plus en plus importante s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e sur les clusters, en particulier sur le rĂŽle de la structure d’animation, ou de gouvernance. Toutefois, son impact potentiel sur la capacitĂ© des entreprises du cluster Ă  acquĂ©rir et Ă  crĂ©er des connaissances reste sous-explorĂ©. En combinant la Knowledge-Based View of Clusters(KBVC) et l’approche basĂ©e sur les capacitĂ©s dynamiques, notre objectif est d'identifier comment la structure de gouvernance, en tant que tierce partie, peut jouer le rĂŽle d’intermĂ©diaire pour mettre en Ɠuvre un management des connaissances permettant d’accroĂźtre les capacitĂ©s dynamiques d’absorption des entreprises membres. L’étude empirique est basĂ©e sur une approche qualitative auprĂšs des membres de la gouvernance d’un pĂŽle de compĂ©titivitĂ© français, Arve-Industries Mont-Blanc, situĂ© dans la rĂ©gion RhĂŽne-Alpes. Notre recherche dĂ©montre la capacitĂ© de la gouvernance Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre un management des connaissances adaptĂ© au contexte d’émergence du cluster et aux caractĂ©ristiques de ses membres, et met en avant sa capacitĂ© Ă  faire Ă©voluer les routines des entreprises, notamment par la mise en place d’un label d’excellence fĂ©dĂ©rateur. L’implication Ă  la fois directe de la gouvernance dans les actions individuelles et collectives, et indirecte en tant qu’intermĂ©diaire entre les entreprises et les expertises utiles, amĂ©liore les capacitĂ©s dynamiques d’absorption des entreprises. Nos rĂ©sultats, qui montrent l'existence d'un modĂšle de management «intermĂ©dié» des connaissances, ont d'importantes implications managĂ©riales, tant pour la gouvernance des clusters de PME que pour les pouvoirs publics en charge de la politique des clusters

    CSR firm profiles and innovation: An empirical exploration with survey data

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    This paper explores the relationship between different Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies and innovation. Using a survey carried out on CSR behavior of Luxembourg firms, we found two types of firms as far as CSR practices are concerned. Cluster 1 firms adopted CSR practices to achieve economic goals without resorting to the formalization of these practices. In contrast, cluster 2 firms "learn CSR by doing" and by establishing CSR procedures and tools. Then  we match Community Innovation Survey (CIS) data and specific data collected on CSR clusters. We estimate Logit models to explain the different types of innovation (product, process, organizational). In comparison with the firms which don't adopt CSR, firms in Cluster 1 are more innovative in  terms of product and process once we control for firm characteristics and innovation drivers while firms in cluster 2 tend to reject innovation in process and adopt organizational innovation. These results, which show the link between the various CSR practices and innovation types, have important consequences in terms of managerial recommendations and public policy support for innovation.Corporate Social Responsibility; Innovation; Organizational; Practices; Product; Process

    Gouvernance et innovation au sein des technopĂŽles : le cas de Savoie Technolac

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    International audienceLa question de savoir si la proximitĂ© organisationnelle peut ĂȘtre encouragĂ©e au sein des clusters, en se concentrant sur les KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Services), a Ă©tĂ© peu ntraitĂ©e dans la littĂ©rature. L'objectif de cet article est d'Ă©tudier le rĂŽle relationnel que peut jouer la structure de gouvernance d'un cluster pour amĂ©liorer les performances d'innovation de ses membres KIBS Ă  travers diffĂ©rentes pratiques. La recherche s'appuie sur un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatif de 53 KIBS au sein de Savoie Technolac. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suggĂšrent que, outre les dĂ©terminants traditionnels de l'innovation des entreprises, la structure de gouvernance a un impact direct sur l'innovation des KIBS du technopĂŽle et un rĂŽle indirect de tiers pour les KIBS engagĂ©s dans des partenariats de R&D. Cette recherche a des implications importantes pour l'Ă©valuation des actions de la structure de gouvernance dans les technopĂŽles

    Are firms with different CSR profiles equally innovative? Empirical analysis with survey data

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    International audienceThis paper explores the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and innovation from a firm strategic perspective. Matching Community Innovation Survey data with specific data collected about the CSR behaviour of Luxembourg firms, the authors identify two types of firms (strategic versus responsive) that differ in the intensity of their CSR adoption. A bivariate probit model, estimated to explain the different types of technological innovations (product and/or process), shows that firms with strategic CSR profiles are more likely to innovate in both products and processes. In contrast, adopting responsive CSR practices significantly alters firms' innovation, such that CSR may create barriers to innovation. These results have implications for theory and offer managerial recommendations for firms designing their innovation strategies

    Navigating the internationalization process: Strategic resources for early internationalizing firms

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    Despite an increasing number of studies identifying factors that influence the internationalization process for early internationalizing firms (EIFs), it remains unclear which of these numerous factors could play a strategic role and, more specifically, when. This paper develops a new conceptual framework anchored in the resource-based view to identify strategic resources that can explain EIFs’ internationalization process accurately over time. Building on a systematic literature review based on 102 papers covering a period of 29 years, we methodically present a phase-by-phase observation of EIFs’ internationalization process to identify the strategic relevance of different influential resources. The results highlight the importance of the shift from individual to organizational resources, which occurs at a critical phase of transition from the entry to the post-entry phase. Studying the evolution of strategic resources along four phases allows us to determine that the progress of EIFs through the phases of their internationalization process is closely linked to their resources’ development process. This study suggests some promising research avenues, at theoretical and methodological levels, and results in a series of concrete recommendations intended for entrepreneurs and/or managers of EIFs
